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The Haunted 

A collection of creepy tales from the myths and legends of Norfolk.


The Haunted is a fun story-telling performance of stories from the weird world of Norfolk legends and ghosts.    "My favourite show at The Fringe!" Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023 audience member

Starting in the 14th Century, real life historical figure Queen Isabella is hounded by the infamous, and possibly not-so-real Black Shuck (a fierce wolf-like creature that roams the East Anglian countryside). 

"A fantastic evening, the performances were absolutely brilliant!" audience member 2024

We move into the 19th Century to a maverick anthropologist, a mummy’s hand and a spot of revenge. 

All of this entwined with hilarious, historical facts that show that Norfolk really is the centre of the universe!

"It was a brilliant night and those two ladies gave astounding performances!" audience member 2024

Finishing off down a twisted path in the Thetford marshes with a 20th Century beast, a wannabe crook called Mango and a doggy video deal.  












This show is now resting.

Suitable for small to mid-range performance spaces as well as informal  spaces such as pub rooms, libraries and cafes as long as they are wheelchair accessible. Full technical specification will be made available in advance of the tour.

Running time: Festival - 50 minutes 

Full Show - 1 hour 30 minutes with an interval       Please get in touch if you would like to host The Haunted. You won't be disappointed.

Fantastic creepy stories” Audience member 2022 


Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2023 audience reviews:


The actors performance were brilliant"


"Amazing energy, very engaging"


"A lighthearted performance of scary stories/old legends from Norfolk excellent & spooky".


"Funny & atmospheric with emotional and poignant moments".


"Wonderful entertainment from Slow Theatre Company".

Listen to the reviews!

A Slow Theatre Company Production, original stories by writer Stephen Keyworth.  A fun, slightly macabre show full of chills and laughs in equal measure with Danny O’Hara and Vanessa McAuley. 

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Slow Theatre Company is a social enterprise.

Company no: 09849483

Inclusion across race, ethnicity, health, disability, gender, age, religion, identity and experience is central to us as humans and us, as an organisation.


Slow Theatre Company is a social enterprise, any surplus is put towards the company’s social purpose, to help people improve their lives and their local community, through the creative arts. Slow’s objectives are: 1. to offer high quality, affordable, fun creative classes for adults and children 2. use the creative arts for and with people facing stressful and challenging situations in their personal lives and their communities 3, to develop and encourage new work with and for the community.








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