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The Doll Who Came to Tea

 An original piece of theatre raises awareness of the association between child abuse and mental health issues, including voice-hearing. Using innovative and optional immersive techniques, the audience is drawn into the experience of a voice-hearer.  Age appropiate: 18+

The Doll Who Came to Tea

The Doll Who Came to Tea

"Big highlight of
Brighton Fringe
with a very
strong future ahead

of it." 

5 ***** Review:

Based on nearly 2 years of research & development including people on 3 different continents. 

With Arts Council England funding this piece opened at the Brighton Fringe in 2021 before touring to Camden fringe  2021 and Guildford Fringe 2021.

Now in 2024 Slow Theatre Company is bringing the piece back and will be touring in 2025. 


Using tech to immerse  the audience we will challenge you, make you part of the story and make you take note. 


As well as touring to venues for the general public.

We are looking to bring this important piece of theatre

in front of medical, social workers and psychology

students and professionals. If you would like us to bring

this to your establishment please email us. 

60 minutes in length

Must have Wifi

Workshop and Q&A available from people with lived


Trigger warnings: Subjects include rape,

childhood sexual abuse, alcoholism, addiction

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Slow Theatre Company is a social enterprise.

Company no: 09849483

Inclusion across race, ethnicity, health, disability, gender, age, religion, identity and experience is central to us as humans and us, as an organisation.


Slow Theatre Company is a social enterprise, any surplus is put towards the company’s social purpose, to help people improve their lives and their local community, through the creative arts. Slow’s objectives are: 1. to offer high quality, affordable, fun creative classes for adults and children 2. use the creative arts for and with people facing stressful and challenging situations in their personal lives and their communities 3, to develop and encourage new work with and for the community.








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